ColourFX Liquid Dye Concentrate

Wood Essence

SKU: WF3601

ColorFX Liquid Dye Concentrates for Wood

ColorFX Liquid Dye Concentrates are solutions of metal-complex dyes in a special solvent that offers the finisher many unique options in applying these dyes. 

  • Can be mixed with water for an economical stain.
  • Can be mixed with alcohol for a fast drying, NGR stain
  • Can be added to many finishes including shellac to create custom finish toners.
  • Colors can be intermixed for unlimited shades
  • Traditional colors match common recipes and formulas
  • Excellent Lightfastness (but not intended for exterior use)
  • NOT Recommended for Children's Toys or Food Service Items.
  • Each 15ml (0.5 oz.) bottle of dye concentrate will make approx. 1/2 quart of standard dilution stain (plenty for a typical guitar body)
  • Each 60ml (2 oz.) bottle of dye concentrate will make approx. 2 quarts of standard dilution stain
  • Stain intensity is easily increased or decreased by adjusting the ratio of solvent (water or alcohol or a mix of both)
  • 60ml bottles include auxilliary droppers


Burnt Umber

Dark and slightly Reddish Brown

Raw Umber

Dark Brown with slight greenish and yellow appearance. Frequently used as a base dye for a dark mission brown finish.

Burnt Sienna

Reddish Brown, can be darkened with Burnt Umber for a deep, rich colored stain.

Raw Sienna

Dark golden brown without a reddish appearance. Very attractive on maple and other light woods.

VanDyke Brown

Our darkest brown shade. Commonly used as dark walnut or to deepen other colors such as green or red. Perfect for the base on Espresso finishes.


Very nice amber color, can be used as a stain on bare wood or as an amber additive for waterborne clearcoats.

Orange Shellac

Simulates the color of orange shellac. Perfect for the background on a guitar SunBurst.

Aged Natural Cherry

Medium reddish brown color.

Medium Brown

A standard medium brown shade with the slightest bit of red and no greenish appearance.

Yellow G

Used alone as a bright yellow stain. The green element of this dye will lighten and produce brown when combined with dark reddish brown like Burnt Umber.

Yellow R

Used primarily for lightening darker shades and adding a hint of red. Can be used alone as a very light amber stain.


A bright orange shade.


Bright Red. When mixed double strength as shown here, can make a fully saturated color even on maple.


Royal blue. Looks great on musical instruments and can be deepened by adding black.


Just like it sounds...


Deep green, can be lightened by adding Yellow-G and deepened by adding Van Dyke Brown.


Deep black.


Can be added to Van Dyke Brown for a deep Red/Purple Brown Cordovan color.

Midnight Blue

Navy blue. Also great for deep, saturated blue on musical instruments or turnings.