Mill Blanks
- Ambrosia Maple Curly Pepper Mill or Project Blank from $16.45
- Ambrosia Maple Pepper Mill or Project Blank 3" from $2.75
- Ash Mill Blanks from $8.25
- Cherry Mill Blanks from $8.65
- Curly Ambrosia Maple Mill Blank 3" High Grade from $12.50
- Hard Maple Mill Blank with Heavy Bark Inculsion from $16.95
- Hard Maple Mill Blank with Light Bark Inculsion from $12.95
- Hard Maple Mill Blank with Medium Bark Inculsion $11.95
- Hard Maple Mill Blank with Medium Bark Inculsion 3" x 3" x 12 $13.15
- Maple Mill Blank 3" x 3" x 12" with Bark Inculsion $10.95
- Maple Mill Blank 3" x 3" x 12" with Bark Inculsion Light $10.95
- Mini Mill Blanks from $4.35
- Red Oak Mill Blanks from $6.55
- Soft Maple Mill Blank from $7.50
- Spalted Maple Mill Blanks from $8.75
- Walnut Mill Blank - 2 3/4" x 2 3/4" x from $13.15
- Walnut Mill Blanks - 2.5" X 2.5" X from $9.95
- WD-Curly Ambrosia Maple Miil Blank Medium Grade 3" x 3" x 18" $19.65