ONEWAY-1640-LATHE-3HP Package, w/braking resistor, remote stop start, smooth wheel set & 24" bed extension with riser block and tool rest base
SKU: OW-1640-3HP Package
This product is available for pre-order.
Please call: 416-241-8654
You can turn up to a 16 in bowl on the inboard and a 24" bowl on the outboard
If interested please call us to discuss the purchase and shipping
This package includes the 1640 3 HP plus the following:
- BRI (braking resistor)
- Remote Start/Stop
- 24” extension bed with riser block and tool rest base
- 1640 Standard Wheel Set (smooth)
We offer free delivery within 100KM (call us to work out the delivery details)
General Specification from the Oneway website Link